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Spacing For Freestanding Tubs: Everything You Need to Know

Designing a new bathroom is a significant step for any homeowner. It’s where practical needs meet personal style. A common feature in many modern designs is the freestanding tub, and a newer trend is the wet room. But how do you balance aesthetics with functionality? In this blog, we’ll break down the essentials of spacing for freestanding tubs and the key considerations for laying out and waterproofing a wet room.

Spacing For Freestanding Tubs: Striking the Balance

Accessibility: Aim for at least 18 inches of space around the sides of your tub. This ensures comfortable access and reduces the risk of slips or falls when getting in and out.
Cleaning: Adequate space around your tub isn’t just about accessibility. It’s also about practicality. Ensuring enough room to clean around and beneath the tub will keep it looking great and maintain hygiene.

Consideration for Wet Room Layout

Strategic Placement: Your freestanding tub should complement the overall layout of your wet room. It’s essential to consider the splash zone and ensure water doesn’t venture into areas meant to stay dry – you’ll want to position the tub so that it enhances the open feel of the wet room but doesn’t become a catchment for stray water.
Efficient Drainage: A well-designed wet room includes a floor that gently slopes towards a drain, guiding water away effectively and keeping the space safe and comfortable.
Waterproofing Essentials: Effective waterproofing is the shield that protects your wet room from the potential headaches of water damage. It’s crucial to install a reliable waterproof membrane under tiles on both floors and walls. This ensures your wet room stays leak-free, protecting your peace of mind and your investment. We highly recommend reaching out to a professional for advice and assistance, as it’s a crucial step in a wet room project.

“Seal and waterproof a bathtub drain in shower floor.” Youtube, uploaded by Sal DiBlasi.


Creating your dream bathroom means combining elegant design with meticulous planning. Whether it’s providing ample space around your freestanding tub or ensuring your wet room is both watertight and stylish, every detail contributes to the overall harmony of your space.
We love helping homeowners create their dream spaces! If you have ideas in mind, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team for professional design tips and extensive product knowledge.

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